GC Magazine - Galleria Cavour

Galleria Cavour and three important projects in favour of Bimbo Tu

11 December - 2024

Galleria Cavour and Bimbo Tu 2024

The collaboration between Galleria Cavour and Bimbo Tu, the association that since 2007 has been supporting children and adolescents suffering from serious neurological pathologies, also offering help to their families, continues with assiduous commitment and great concreteness.

This year, the association once again sees Gioia Martini personally supporting three important charitable projects. The first concerns the Christmas decorations she donated and strongly desired inside the Paediatric Neurosurgery Ward of the Bellaria Hospital and inside the Paediatric Day Hospital and Paediatric Neuropsychiatry and Neurosurgery Wards of the Sant’Orsola Hospital in Bologna.

An ambitious project, whose intent was to give a moment of Christmas cheer, by means of joyful handmade decorations, to the young patients who will have to spend the festive period inside the aforementioned city hospitals.

The second initiative fielded instead replicated, with equal success, the same one organised last year at its stretch in Galleria Cavour, where a tasty solidarity snack was set up, offered by the property itself and whose proceeds will be entirely donated to Bimbo Tu.

Lastly, on 14 and 15 December, again at our property, right next to the porticoed entrance overlooking the square of the same name, it will be possible for visitors to contribute in person to the association’s charitable projects, by purchasing the products on sale in the usual Christmas cart, set up for the occasion by Fulvia Santi in the same way as the previous hospital decorations. It will be an important event in which all passers-by are called upon to participate in order to unite Christmas spirit and charitable spirit on the city’s most popular shopping days.

All these projects testify, in fact, to the strong bond that exists between the section of Galleria Cavour led by Gioia Martini and Bimbo Tu: two Bolognese realities that collaborate, with ever greater understanding, to bring concrete support to hospitalised children and their loved ones.