Bologna is the most attractive Italian city for foreign investment

According to a recent survey by “Il Sole 24 Ore“, Bologna has emerged as the most attractive Italian city for foreign investment in industry. The capital of Emilia, in constant cultural and economic ferment, thus surpasses Milan and Rome and is also on the podium internationally in the ranking of Western European cities: coming in third behind only the German cities of Mannheim and Stuttgart.
The data collected by FDI intelligence, a Financial Times group company, thus highlight the surprising attractiveness of the Bologna area, the result of an increasingly international opening of the Emilia area which, due to its history and tradition, has always been a valuable geographical crossroads for trade and commerce. Attracting new investments and generating wealth are not only the already established excellences of the motor, food, packaging and wellness valley, but also, and above all, the so-called “knowledge economy“.
The latter revolves around the future vision of the city and represents a real pillar for international development, as is well demonstrated by the important investments gravitating around the Technopole, the City of Knowledge and the TEK district. Bologna, which is already a leading European hub in the field of big data and artificial intelligence, will therefore be an increasingly avant-garde development centre in the near future, and for this reason a first-rate centre of attraction for investors.
Among the most important foreign capital that has involved the Bologna area are investments from the United Nations University, the Japanese multinationals NTT and Toyota, and the American tobacco giant Philip Morris, which has invested and built a valuable pillar here for the axis of its smokeless products. This news highlights the growth potential of our city and the entire metropolitan area, rewarding the area and placing it in an ever brighter perspective of innovation, wealth and new resources. Bologna therefore looks to the future with even greater drive and optimism, ready to conquer the scene in an increasingly international context.