GC Magazine - Galleria Cavour

Easter 2024 in Bologna and Galleria Cavour

19 March - 2024

Pasqua 2024 Galleria Cavour

Ph: Ufficio Stampa Golinelli Foundation

Easter is just around the corner and, as per tradition, Galleria Cavour is ready to change its appearance to welcome visitors in a new atmosphere dedicated to the holidays and therefore even more joyful and dreamy.

Starting on Tuesday 19 March, in fact, the displays curated by Fulvia Santi will be on display among the fashion and high jewellery boutiques in the section owned by Gioia Martini. All the more reason to flock to our reality and be thrilled while strolling through our fascinating shop windows.

The entire city, to tell the truth, is ready to host events and manifestations, confirming itself as a tourist destination increasingly able to offer captivating proposals and intercept the most diverse tastes. For those who have chosen to stay or come to Bologna during the Easter period, we recommend some of the most interesting initiatives such as “Rinoceronti” staged at the Arena del Sole. Freely adapted from the work by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Andreina Garella, the show is an invitation to cultivate life with lightness.

At the Teatro Auditorium Manzoni, on the other hand, the famous conductor Hartmut Haenchen will take the audience on an unforgettable sound journey on 29 March. Since Easter also rhymes with holidays and family activities, at the Golinelli Foundation, art and science will be the protagonists of five thematic paths in the exhibition “I preferiti di Marino“.

Capitolo I” where even the youngest will be able to enjoy interactive, informative activities and workshops exploring forty works by important modern and contemporary artists from the private collection of the well-known entrepreneur and philanthropist Marino Golinelli. The city’s exhibitions for the whole family also include “Squali e abissi” at Palazzo Pallavicini: a unique opportunity to admire the perfection of these mythical marine predators and immerse oneself in an evocative and fascinating world for young and old alike.

Finally, at Palazzo Belloni, there is the ‘Museo delle Illusioni‘ where interactive multimedia installations accompany visitors among the suggestions of magic in a journey perpetually poised between reality and fiction, playing with technology, the world of physics and human perceptions. An offer, that of Bologna, which reaffirms how Easter in the city can be a perfect time for visits, family activities and stimulating experiences.