GC Magazine - Galleria Cavour

Galleria Cavour meets Emanuela Bartorelli

25 January - 2023

The Bartorelli jewelery is one of the great excellences present in Galleria Cavour. Inside it houses the most prestigious luxury brands but also its own creations which, as is known, stand out for their elegance and above all uniqueness.

Emanuela Bartorelli, jewelry designer and creative director of the group, grants Galleria Cavour a special interview in which she opens the doors of the elegant boutique in Bologna and reveals the secrets of a success that is also capable of crossing national borders, as evidenced by the recent partnership with Cipriani of Monte Carlo.

Bartorelli‘s is an entrepreneurial story that starts from afar: the next generation will, in fact, be the fifth generation to take up the family baton! The goldsmith tradition, decade after decade, has met innovation, as evidenced by the professional and artistic career of Emanuela Bartorelli who, with feminine intuition and talent, has been able to increase the allure of the brand thanks to rare and original lines that the group itself has decided to patent under its own name.

An example, in this regard, is represented by the refined Rami collection which includes one-of-a-kind earrings, necklaces and bracelets, because the precious stones with which each accessory is created are unique. The name is due to the refined design that recalls the shapes of the extension of a tree between precious leaves and threads that seem to embrace each other and grow freely. From the branches we then arrive at the roots, those of a family that is the very example of Italian excellence in the field of fine jewelry.

Also for this reason, says Emanuela Bartorelli, the Bolognese boutique could only choose Galleria Cavour as its location: the city’s symbol of elegance and the epicenter of luxury shopping. Inside the flagship store, visitors can experience the beauty of Bartorelli craftsmanship live and try a shopping experience capable of enhancing and giving value to a gift, an anniversary, an important moment, a celebration to imprint on one’s journey personal.

In fact, the Bartorelli jewelery store hosts proposals for a highly heterogeneous public with creations capable of representing the character and personality of each individual buyer: because, unlike a mass-produced object, a handcrafted accessory is, and remains, a unique piece of which it is impossible to find another identical copy. This is what an increasingly exclusive and attentive clientele like today’s is looking for: a unique, precious and irreplicable object, just like the character of the wearer is irreplicable.

Watch the video with the complete interview with Emanuela Bartorelli to get a close-up understanding of the story of an Italian success made of passion, careful research of precious stones, dedication, craftsmanship and investments in the future.