Dr Annamaria Acquaviva introduces us to Mindful Glamour

It is also from these convictions that the dialogue with Dr Annamaria Acquaviva starts at one of our favourite interlocutors in the world of beauty and hospitality: Palazzo di Varignana, of which she is scientific director.
The Resort is distinguished by a scientific philosophy aimed at well-being: in a holiday stay dedicated to remise en forme, the concept of beauty and well-being coincide.
In fact, the Mindful Glamour project adds a new piece to the narrative on fashion and psychology because it also involves the field of well-being. According to the evidence of which Dr Acquaviva is the spokesperson, the daily choice of what we wear goes beyond the aesthetic aspect, influencing our self-confidence and, consequently, also our state of mind.
In a social world, which often tends to cage beauty in stereotypes or unattainable prototypes, uniqueness is the winning formula. Every shape, every silhouette and every feature is different and differentiates us from others: wanting to adhere to standardised models not only risks causing slips in one’s wardrobe but also compromises one’s self-confidence. This is one of the objectives of Mindful Glamour, a project with Giulia Giordani, personal shopper and image consultant who also works at Galleria Cavour. Knowing how to enhance one’s uniqueness through the study of shapes, colours and fabrics is a way of creating one’s own aesthetic style that is, however, in line with one’s personality.
It is scientifically proven that clothing has a direct impact on our mood and thus on our health. Wearing an outfit that is beautiful but that we feel is unsuitable for us, our character and our identity may in fact undermine our self-esteem.
People have always tried to chase social beauty stereotypes without realising that fashion is fickle and, like art, evolves. Just look at the aesthetic models over time: from the androgynous women of the 1920s such as Marlene Dietrich to the wrap-around shapes of Sophia Loren and Marylin Monroe, from the machismo of Sylvester Stallone to the metrosexual looks of David Beckham or currently ephebic Thimothèe Chalamet, from the statuesque bodies of Cindy Crawford to the thinness of Kate Moss and the Latin forms of Jennifer Lopez.
Aesthetic canons change over time, tell the story of society’s needs and evolve. That is why it is foolish to think that there is only one way of being beautiful and only one aesthetic. Aware of this, Dr Acquaviva, in her remise-en-forme course, also offers image consulting aimed at well-being, a concept that cannot be separated from beauty. Mindful Glamour thus aims to restore the essence of elegance and the mirror of inner harmony.
Wellness and beauty often meet at Palazzo di Varignana.
This time, for the second edition of the Health Revolution event organised by Dr. Acquaviva, the appointment is set for 11 and 12 November with the Pink Health Revolution dedicated to women in the Golden Age: to enhance this phase of life and experience it as a new opportunity. Every phase of change is a small revolution that, like the body, can therefore turn into an opportunity to learn new awareness.
The weekend will be packed with meetings, experiences and masterclasses, and will also feature guest speakers Dr. Daniela Nascetti and Giulia Giordani, image consultant at Galleria Cavour. For more information, please visit the appropriate page on the website.