GC Magazine - Galleria Cavour

The photos by photographer Vincent Peters on display at Palazzo Albergati

12 July - 2023

Vincent Peters a Palazzo Albergati

After the great success achieved in Milan following the exhibition at Palazzo Reale, the “Timeless Time” exhibition also arrives in Bologna with the most representative shots of the work of Vincent Peters, a great contemporary photographer.

In fact, at Palazzo Albergati, a few steps from Galleria Cavour, it will be possible to admire this retrospective throughout the summer, until 1 October. Beauty is without a doubt the great protagonist of the exhibited works: between chiaroscuro and intimate portraits, in fact, the subjects depicted seem able to tell themselves through their own image.

Among the famous faces immortalized by the famous photographer are protagonists of fashion, cinema and today’s jet set such as Monica Bellucci, Laetizia Casta, David Beckham and Charlize Theron to name a few. The shots on display were all taken between 2001 and 2021 and, thanks to the particular lighting technique used, they succeed in the artist’s intention of putting the person before the character, making the visitor more human and familiar even the figure of the apparently most unattainable star.

Among the techniques used, that of superimposed layers stands out, particularly loved by Peters, capable of creating a visual narration similar to the storytelling of a film with the sole expressive force of the images. Fashion remains one of the great protagonists of the exhibition itinerary: after all, Peters himself, born in Bremen in 1969, took his first steps in the field of photography, right at Giovanni Testino‘s agency as a fashion photographer. His long career includes collaborations with prestigious brands such as Louis Vuitton, Bottega Veneta, Armani and Celine. Today his works are exhibited in the main art galleries of the world. For this reason, the Bologna exhibition, produced and organized by Arthemisia, in collaboration with Nobile Agency, is a precious opportunity to get to know the work of one of the most loved contemporary artists in the world of cinema and the fashion system.